Originally created by Dr. Lawrence Weed in the 1960s as a part of his recommendation for a problem-oriented medical record, a problem list, distilled to its basic form, is a document that states the most important health problems facing a patient, such as illnesses or diseases, injuries suffered, and anything…
Articles Posted in Labor and Delivery Mistakes
Maternal Mortality Rate on the Rise
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the number of women dying because of pregnancy and childbirth is going up. More than 25 years ago (1987), there were 7.2 deaths of mothers per 100,000 live births; in 2011, that number more than doubled to 17.8 deaths per 100,000…
Delayed C-Section Results in Child’s Brain Injury
According to a recent lawsuit filed in the U.S. District Court of Tennessee, defendant health care providers failed to properly handle the delivery of the minor plaintiff, resulting in extended fetal oxygen deprivation and brain injury at birth. Specifically, the complaint alleges that during the mother’s labor and delivery, medical…
Today Is World Cerebral Palsy Day
World Cerebral Palsy Day is a global innovation project created to improve quality of life for people living with cerebral families, and their families. The project is led by a group of non-profit cerebral palsy charities, and supported by organizations in over 45 countries. Cerebral palsy is a neurological disorder…
New York C-Section Lawyer Review Of Rising Surgery Rate To Prevent Syracuse Birth Injury
We frequently blog about labor and delivery complications, including precipitate delivery, gestational diabetes and preeclampsia, and placenta accrete. Each can lead to serious injury to a baby, such as cerebral palsy. Some Syracuse labor and delivery complications can be avoided if a baby is delivered by cesarean section (c-section), rather…
Syracuse Medical Malpractice Lawyer Named President of New York State Academy of Trial Lawyers
Syracuse medical malpractice lawyer Anthony S. Bottar, managing partner of Bottar Law, PLLC, one of Upstate New York’s oldest law firms with a practice limited to medical malpractice, wrongful death, birth injuries, work injuries, brain injuries, and product/premises liability, was elected president of the New York State Academy of Trial…
Study Will Make Central New York VBACs More Available Despite Risk Of Uterine Rupture and Baby Brain Damage
A recent National Institutes of Health panel announced that VBACs are not as dangerous as once believed, and that OBGYNS should reduce the barriers to women who want to try vaginal birth after cesarean section (VBAC). According to Central New York uterine rupture lawyers Bottar Law, PLLC, VBACs are still…
New York Preterm Birth Injury Lawyer On In-Vitro Fertilization
Normal pregnancy lasts 40 weeks. A baby born before 37 weeks is considered a preterm delivery. A baby born before 32 weeks is considered very premature. According to Syracuse New York premature birth injury lawyers Bottar Law, PLLC, preterm deliveries are on the rise for women who conceive through in-vitro…
Syracuse Babies Diagnosed With Cerebral Palsy May Walk Better With Treadmill Therapy Despite Birth Injuiry
Testing of a new therapy is underway at Nationwide Children’s Hospital in Columbus, Ohio, which may revolutionize the way that Syracuse babies diagnosed with cerebral palsy exercise to strengthen their muscles. The system incorporates a harness into the use of a treadmill. The harness supports the child’s weight while he…
At Home Birth Injuries High: Binghamton New York Medical Malpractice Lawyers and OBGYNs Opposed
According to the American College of Gynecologists (“ACOG”), with members including Binghamton New York obstetricians and Binghamton New York gynecologists, women should not deliver at home because a labor and delivery complication during a Central New York home birth could result in birth injury or death. ACOG explains that labor…