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Articles Posted in Labor and Delivery Negligence


“Problem Lists” Might Create More of a Problem

Originally created by Dr. Lawrence Weed in the 1960s as a part of his recommendation for a problem-oriented medical record, a problem list, distilled to its basic form, is a document that states the most important health problems facing a patient, such as illnesses or diseases, injuries suffered, and anything…


Maternal Mortality Rate on the Rise

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the number of women dying because of pregnancy and childbirth is going up. More than 25 years ago (1987), there were 7.2 deaths of mothers per 100,000 live births; in 2011, that number more than doubled to 17.8 deaths per 100,000…


Pregnant Women with High Glucose Levels at Risk

November is National Diabetes Awareness Month, so a recent report published in JAMA Pediatrics, revealing that pregnant woman with elevated blood sugar levels are more likely to have babies with congenital cardiovascular defects, even if their blood sugar is below the cut off for diabetes, could not come at a…


Delayed C-Section Results in Child’s Brain Injury

According to a recent lawsuit filed in the U.S. District Court of Tennessee, defendant health care providers failed to properly handle the delivery of the minor plaintiff, resulting in extended fetal oxygen deprivation and brain injury at birth. Specifically, the complaint alleges that during the mother’s labor and delivery, medical…


Today Is World Cerebral Palsy Day

World Cerebral Palsy Day is a global innovation project created to improve quality of life for people living with cerebral families, and their families. The project is led by a group of non-profit cerebral palsy charities, and supported by organizations in over 45 countries. Cerebral palsy is a neurological disorder…


Failure To Diagnose H.E.L.L.P. Syndrome Can Cause Preeclampsia Pregnancy Complications

Preeclampsia, also known as toxemia, is a condition that complicates as many as 10% of pregnancies. Typical symptoms during pregnancy and the immediate post-partum period include high blood pressure, protein in the urine (i.e., proteinuria), foot, leg and hand swelling (i.e., edema), nausea, severe headaches and abdominal pain. A dangerous…


Medical Malpractice NY: Birth Injury Risk High During Nightime and Weekend Labor and Delivery

“Bottar Law, PLLC is presently handling several New York birth injury cases involving permanent disabilities caused by new york obstetrical malpractice and labor and delivery nurses errors made during a nighttime labor and delivery,” said Syracuse birth injury attorney Michael A. Bottar, Esq. “Certainly, the outcome of a birth is…


Link Between Newborn Jaundice, Epidural Anesthesia and Oxytocin Reviewed By Syracuse New York Birth Injury Lawyer

Jaundice, which is the clinical manifestation of hyperbilirubinemia (too much bilirubin in the blood), occurs in about one-half of term newborns as well as most premature babies (85%). Elevated bilirubin levels are also associated with low birth weight babies, sepsis, delivery requiring instrumentation, and history of maternal diabetes. “Hyperbilirubinemia is…

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