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Syracuse Medical Malpractice Lawyer Blog


New York Failure To Diagnose Sepsis Lawsuits To Decline With MinoLab Test

Severe sepsis affects more than 750,000 people every year. “Our New York medical malpractice lawyers often file lawsuits alleging that a doctor or hospital failed to diagnose sepsis before it was too late,” said Syracuse wrongful death lawyer Michael A. Bottar, Esq., an attorney presently prosecuting several sepsis-based lawsuits. The…


Failure To Diagnose Appendicitis Low Due To Number Of Pediatricians In New York

“Even though an appendicitis is a clinical emergency, it is commonly misdiagnosed,” said Syracuse pediatric malpractice lawyer Michael A. Bottar, Esq., of Bottar Law, PLLC. As many as 1 out of every 5 cases of appendicitis is not diagnosed before the appendix perforates (i.e., ruptures), which can lead to serious…


Link Between Newborn Jaundice, Epidural Anesthesia and Oxytocin Reviewed By Syracuse New York Birth Injury Lawyer

Jaundice, which is the clinical manifestation of hyperbilirubinemia (too much bilirubin in the blood), occurs in about one-half of term newborns as well as most premature babies (85%). Elevated bilirubin levels are also associated with low birth weight babies, sepsis, delivery requiring instrumentation, and history of maternal diabetes. “Hyperbilirubinemia is…


Failure To Diagnose Gestational Diabetes Is Common New York Medical Malpratice

“The failure to diagnose gestational diabetes during pregnancy is a big problem,” said Syracuse birth injury lawyer Michael A. Bottar, Esq., of Bottar Law, PLLC, a legal team representing the catastrophically injured throughout the State of New York. 4-12% of pregnancies are complicated by gestational diabetes. A recent study of…


Cesarean Sections Rise In New York Even Though Women Are Not Requesting Surgery

“Recent reports suggest that cesarean section rates are on the rise because women are asking for surgery, as opposed to delivering vaginally. This appears incorrect,” said Syracuse birth injury lawyer Anthony S. Bottar, of Bottar Law, PLLC, a law firm with decades of experience handling birth injury lawsuits throughout he…


New Blood Test Should Decrease Number of New York Failure To Diagnose Cancer Lawsuits

“The failure to diagnose cancer is one of the most common types of New York medical malpractice lawsuits,” said Syracuse lawyer Michael A. Bottar, Esq., of Bottar Law, PLLC. A new blood test developed by several Boston scientists will be brought to the market in the very near future through…


Developmental Delays Following Birth Addressed Through New York State Department of Health Early Intervention

In the State of New York, children with developmental delays following birth are referred to the New York State Department of Health “Early Intervention” Program. To be eligible for services, a child must be less than three years old and have a “confirmed disability” or “established development delay” that is…


Therapeutic Hypothermia To Decrease Baby Brain Damage Known As Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy

“If your baby has been diagnosed with hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy after birth, then s/he has brain damage because of inadequate oxygen during delivery,” said Syracuse New York birth injury lawyer Michael A. Bottar, Esq., of Bottar Law, PLLC. “HIE is a birth injury that can be prevented.” Babies diagnosed with…


Low APGAR Score At Birth May Be Due To Umbilical Cord Compression: New York Birth Injury Lawyer Explains Mechanics

The umbilical cord connects an unborn fetus to the placenta. It typically contains two arteries and one vein, encased in a durable substance known as Wharton’s Jelly. Most umbilical cords measure 20 inches in length, nearly 1 inch thick and may have as many as 380 helices (i.e., coils). “The…

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