“Binghamton children born prematurely are at high risk for behavioral and health problems,” said Syracuse birth injury lawyer Michael A. Bottar, Esq., of Bottar Law, PLLC, a team of trial lawyers handling New York medical malpractice lawsuits sounding in cerebral palsy and global developmental delays.
“Right now we are investigating several claims that involve premature deliveries. Each emergent delivery could have been avoided had medical personnel timely identified the risk of prematurity and taken steps to delay birth.” Even though advancements in medicine have improved preterm newborn survival rates, recent studies have uncovered long-term challenges that preemies will face, such as lower IQ scores and higher rates of behavioral problems including anxiety, depression and hyperactivity. As many as 18% of preterm children had hyperactivity/inattention problems and 14% had anxiety/depression. “Prematurity is also associated with cerebral palsy and other disorders, such as retinopathy of prematurity,” said Bottar.
Appropriate prenatal care is critical to the healthy development of a fetus and to the timely diagnosis of problems with fetal growth and development and conditions affecting pregnant mothers, e.g., preeclampsia, gestational diabetes, and intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR). The failure to diagnose preeclampsia can lead to an emergency c-section to prevent irreversible maternal heart damage. Likewise, the failure to diagnose IUGR can lead to a dangerously low-birth weight baby.
The trial lawyers at Bottar Law, PLLC, have decades of experience investigating, prosecuting and trying to verdict all types of medical malpractice and New York birth injury cases, including those concerning prematurity, preemies, and preterm deliveries. If your child was born prematurely, you and/or your family may be entitled to compensation for lifelong health care, special education, medical expenses, medical bills, loss of income, and pain and suffering.
To discuss your case or concerns with an experienced Central New York medical malpractice attorney, contact Bottar Law, PLLC now at (315) 422-3466, (800) 336-LAWS, or by e-mail at info@bottarleone.com.